Home / Dragon Tail Plant Live Plant in a 4 Inch Pot Rhaphidophora Decursiva Extremely Rare Florist Quality Plants from Florida5 Plants

Dragon Tail Plant Live Plant in a 4 Inch Pot Rhaphidophora Decursiva Extremely Rare Florist Quality Plants from Florida5 Plants

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    Grown, packaged and shipped exclusively by Wekiva Foliage. The Rhaphidophora Decursiva Dragon Tail, also called Epipremnum Pinnatum is a member of the Araceae family and native to the tropical forests of The Solomon Islands. The Dragon Tail is an alluring beauty that can climb by means of aerial roots that adhere to surfaces. Light Bright, indirect sunlight but will also tolerate low light conditions. Rhaphidophora decursiva is an aroid, aka a plant from the Araceae family. Rhaphidophora is the genus it is not a monstera, despite often being labeled as one. Monstera is a different genus. Decursiva can be found growing in the wild in Southeast Asia, China, and India. Water Allow the top layer of soil to dry between waterings. Wait until the top 1 of soil in the pot has dried out before watering heavily. Drought tolerant and doesnt require a lot of water. TemperatureHumidity Since they originate in the tropics, warm and humid environments are idealhowever they are pretty adaptable plants and will find happiness in most environments.
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